Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tell ICE Immigration: Drop the Hold on Julio!

1. Please Sign The NEW Petition for Julio and Share It With Everyone You Know! Julio is currently being held in Men's Central Jail in California. Despite posting bail, Julio has yet to be released because ICE has placed an immigration hold on him. They will pick him up and transfer him to a detention center for deportation unless we take action!
The Petition To Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security, John Morton; and Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano: We, the undersigned, call on the immediate release of Julio Rodriguez (A205-311-867) from Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles County in California and urge ICE to lift its immigration hold on him. Julio is 22 years old and has resided in the United States since he was an infant. He is currently working to finish his high school education and obtain his G.E.D. from Free L.A. High School in South Los Angeles. For the past three years, Julio has served as a valued youth organizer for Youth Justice Coalition and is an integral part of that organization and community. He actively outreaches to different high schools to speak to youth around issues that affects them and also serves as a mentor for high school students. On May 5, Julio was having a party at his house when he noticed that someone had stolen his laptop. He told the party guests that they needed to leave, but a group of them refused. Julio knocked on the side of their car to get them to leave, but rather than drive away, the group called 911. The Sherriff’s deputies arrived and arrested Julio for vandalism. He was taken to Men’s Central Jail where he is currently detained. Julio’s family posted bail for him on Sunday, but he can’t be released until ICE lifts its immigration hold on him. Julio is a DREAM Act eligible youth. According to the memo issued by John Morton, Julio does not fall within ICE’s enforcement priorities and should be granted favorable exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion. Julio deserves to stay in the United States and continue to be an asset to his community. We, the undersigned, urge ICE to lift its immigration hold on Julio Rodriguez so he can be released from Men’s Central Jail. 2. Make a Phonecall to ICE To Release Julio! Call ICE – John Morton (202.732.3000) Sample Script: "I am calling to urge ICE to lift the immigration hold on Julio Rodriguez (A# 205-311-867) so he can be released from Men's Central Jail in Los Angeles County, California. Julio is 22 years old and has been living in the U.S. from a young age. He is DREAM Act eligible and a valued member of his community. Release Julio from Men's Central Jail." 3. Change Your Profile Picture To The One Here 4. Get More Involved By Posting on This Wall or Hitting up one of us here or at the Youth Justice Coalition 5. Share your Personal Story/Letter of Support About Julio on this Page or Email it To Us! Here is Emilio's: Julio Rodriguez is an incredible person and youth organizer. He does outreach and organizing with high school students and serves as a mentor to younger undocumented youth in the community. He incorporates music into his organizing and hosts punk rock shows to empower other young people. He is one of our strongest advocates for undocumented youth and is extremely politically radical and unafraid to challenge systems of oppression. Julio inspires me daily. To me he is a friend, a a leader, a co-worker, a musician, and a revolutionary.


  1. I had stayed in OH for a long time and legally might i add. I paid taxes like any other working US citizens does and commit no crime. Just because my stay was expired for 1 month, Ice stalked me in front of my house and abducted me to a jail 3 hours away. While they were rude, racist and most of them just plain ignorant, they are the worst human being ever. They lied about getting passport to release you and in truth they want to deport you. They do not care about your contribution to the country and they do not care if you have a spouse who is US citizens, they are just plainly a bully. For all the immigrants and myself, we despise ICE!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story with us. We despise ice as well!
