Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Canon GL2 Review

Yes I am a filmer and I use the Canon GL2. As soon as I can get better income i am sure I will upgrade to a Panasonic Dvx or a Sony Vx model, but for now i am going to stick with my Canon GL2. I know plenty people talk shit about the GL2 and how the color is off and the quality is not so great. I will admit that the Canon GL2 Is not such a great camera but if you know how to work the camera then you can really make footage look really good and you can also get some good audio quality. You just got to know how to work your custom presets and white balance plus the Gain, f-stops, and exposure. It takes a while to figure out the settings and all that but you get it down eventually. Also you can do color correction in Post production which gives great results. I don't think its much about the camera but more about the filmer. The following links are very helpful for Canon GL2 users so check out the links if you are a Canon GL2 filmer. This link is mainly about getting a better picture for the GL2 This second link is focused on the audio for the Canon GL2
I filmed the following with my Canon GL2 and edited with Final Cut Express 2

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