Sunday, April 19, 2009

Screenshot Pics From My Mac G4

I took some screenshots off my Macbook g4 because i wanted to post up da following pictures but seeing that I dont have photoshop on this computer I could not re-format the pics to meet the uploading requirements. TRUE G'S DONT FUCK WITH THAT PC SHIT, WE KEEPS IT MAC! IF IT AINT MAC IT'S WACK! By the way, scope out that BANGIN ASS wallpaper.

This here is me hard at work editing some stuff for on my Mac G5. As you can see there is no time for slacking down at the office. IM ALL ABOUT DA BIG SMILES!!!! My gf Yajaira took this pic of me while she was taking pictures of me doing work.

This pic right here is me lookin real greedy at a late night skate session, filming bangers.

My brother took this really cool pic of me and my gf. Pretty sick huh!

This is me on lurk mode. It aint eazy being Anjeezy!

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